< < Section 50.5 ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary. Many souls consult this site without any Index page review. > >
It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell ...
for rejecting the Catholic Dogma ...
Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >
1. The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men. 2. God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.
We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply: 3.Warning 1: A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).
[Section 12, 13] 4.Warning 2:No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.
[Section 13.2] 5.Warning 3: Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates. [Section 13.2.2] 6.Warning 4: Top level view ... why there is not a single Catholic Bishop or Priest in the world. God's Catholic Church is devastatingly small in numbers. [Section 13.6] All vatican-2-ists: You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church. You must Abjure your heresy.
* * Click * * > Section 40
7. One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water
[Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin. [Section 10.1] 8. All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world ... by way of the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did. [Section 4, 4.4] 9a. The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C. Jesus Christ was not a jew. [Section 39.1, 39.4] 9b. The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist. The so called "allah god" makes countless errors in the "koran". [Section 113] 10.All baptized heretics are excommunicated from Christianity and headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).
[Section 7.2, 8]
Translate (traduire, übersetzen, tradurre, trasladar, 번역) this Section ... now (maintenant, jetzt, ora, ahora, 지금) ... to your language ...
(1) You must have Adobe Flash Player installed. (2) Chinese, Korean, or Japanese characters not displaying ... see Appendix E.
* Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * Romans 2:13 > "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." James 2:20 > "Know ... that faith without works is dead."
(Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works) Please e-mail here ... if you see a website that you believe is Catholic ... besides this site.
You may copy this entire site ... to your computer ... see Item # 1 on Appendix A-1.
"A long time therefore they abode there, dealing confidently in the Lord, who
gave testimony to the word of His grace, granting signs
and wonders to be done by their hands."
Catholic writing in Hebrews 2:4
"God also bearing them witness by signs, and wonders, and divers miracles, and
distributions of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will".
~ ~ ~
1. The miracles in Sub-part B of this Section ... are simply a continuation of the miracles of the Catholic God in the Old and New Testaments ... miracles such as ...
The Virgin conceives and bears a son (Luke 2:11, foretold > Isaias 7:14) ... Parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21) ... Sun going backward in the sky (Isaias 38:8) ... Manna (bread) from Heaven (Exodus 16:15) ... Healing of lepers (Luke 17:14) ... Lazarus raised from the dead (John 11:44) ... Blind men given their sight (Matthew 9:30) ... Resurrection of the Catholic Jesus Christ (John 20:14-17), etc.
2. There are 163 miracles in the Bible ... where the Catholic God overrides the natural order using His omnipotent (unlimited) power over all of the physical world. The miracles in the New Testament times starting in 33 A.D. ... continue God's work in confirming the Catholic Faith working through Catholic Saints.
3.Saint Francis of Assisi by whom God continued His miracles ... there are over forty (40) Church approved miracles by Saint Francis.
4. Thomas of Celano, who wrote the first account of the life of Francis ... authored "A Treatise on the Miracles of St. Francis" ... which lists 157 miracles
5. Saint Francis ... received the Stigmata, the five wounds of the Catholic Jesus Christ ... on 14 September 1224. An Angel appeared to him and there were beams of heated illumination that shot out from the Cross which surrounded the Angel, and hit Francis' ... hands, feet and side.
Sub-part B: The ... "Prayer of Saint Francis" ... was *not* written by Saint Francis
S u b - p a r t A
Selected miracles of Saint Francis
This Section lists ... natural order graces, in the form of miracles ... to confirm
the Catholic Faith ... for the supernatural goal of saving souls.
The way to bring one's soul to the justified state is on
Section 2.1 to have a chance of getting to Heaven.
Twenty-one (21) Listed
~ ~ ~
1. Francis heals man with leprosy
Francis began to care for a sore-covered leper with warm water mixed with herbs.
Everywhere Francis washed, the leprosy was cured. As the man watched, seeing his leprosy being washed away inch-by-inch, he began to weep.
The former leper ... began to profess how guilty he was of sin and how cruel he had been to those caring for him, acknowledging he deserved hell.
2. Little girl brought back to life
A married couple who lived in Pomarico, Italy dearly loved their daughter. One day their little girl suddenly died.
The mother collapsed with grief and begged for help from Saint Francis ... the Saint appeared and assured them their daughter will be fine.
Shortly after ... the little girl awoke to the wonder of those present, and stood up as if nothing had happened.
3. Drowned boy brought back to life
At Capua, a boy drowned in the Volturno River (south-central Italy) ... a man drew the boy to shore who was now dead.
Many began to invoke the intervention of Saint Francis.
The Friar did not disappoint them, the boy, in fact, got up as if nothing had happened ... to the joy and amazement of those present.
4. Man has leg healed
In the Castle of Gori, located in the diocese of Ostia, Italy ... a man was desperate because a tumor had caused the loss of the use of his leg.
He appealed to Saint Francis of Assisi ... and was not disappointed.
Francis appeared to him in company with another brother and with a ... Tau Cross touched the diseased part of the leg.
He quickly regained the use of the limb ... so perfectly healed he could walk freely.
5. The Bird Sermon
One day Francis saw many birds in a field. He ran towards them and instead of flying away, they waited for him.
He said to them: "May the Lord give you peace ! (My) Brothers the birds, you have much to praise your Creator (for) and to love him. He gave you wings. To you, space, sky and freedom."
The birds, in their own way, responded with joy. They stretched their necks, spread their wings, and looked at Francis with curiosity. Francis walked among them, touching them gently, and after blessing them, he let them fly away.
6. Saint Francis levitating
The Brothers one day surprised Brother Francis in prayer, arms crossed, levitating and radiating with a striking light.
7. Miraculous source of water
Too weak to make a trip on foot, Francis went to Alverne on a donkey pulled by a peasant.
Halfway, the exhausted peasant exclaims: "I can't take it anymore, I'm dying of thirst."
With compassion, Francis descended from the donkey, knelt, prayed, and then said to the peasant: "Run to that rock. The Lord has just made a spring of living water come out of it." Indeed, the new water source was there.
8. The healing of the wounded man in Lleida Spain
Jean, a man from Lleida in Catalonia, was dying after being struck with a sword by a stranger.
Having great confidence in Saint Francis, John repeated his name, moaning in the midst of his sufferings.
And behold, a man stood before him, clothed as a younger brother, and said, "God saves you because you trusted me."
He approached the patient, took off the bandages, and touched his wounds. The wounds were healing. When the miraculous man asked his name, he replied, "I am Francis."
9. Saint Francis converts a wolf from wild attacker to humane behavior
St. Francis was in the city of Agobio when a fierce wolf began terrorizing its inhabitants.
It wasn't just attacking animals, but people too, causing everyone to be scared. Because of this wolf, the townspeople were afraid to even leave the city.
Feeling sorry for the townspeople, St. Francis decided to face the wolf, even though everyone warned him not to. As he approached the wolf, it charged at him with an open mouth.
But St. Francis calmly made the sign of the cross and asked the wolf to come closer. Amazingly, the wolf closed its mouth, stopped running, and sat down peacefully at St. Francis' feet.
St. Francis spoke to the wolf, telling him he had done wrong by hurting God's creations and people. He offered to make a deal: if the wolf stopped harming anyone, the townspeople would provide food so the wolf wouldn't go hungry.
The wolf signaled its agreement by nodding. St. Francis wanted a promise from the wolf, so he asked the wolf to give him its paw as a sign of loyalty, and the wolf did.
With the wolf beside him, St. Francis then walked into the city to finalize the peace agreement. The townspeople were amazed, and word quickly spread about the miracle.
10. Cures paralyzed man
A paralyzed man named Peter lived in the city of Nardi. One day, he learned of the arrival of Francis to his city to preach.
Saint Francis went over to Peter and with a simple sign of the cross healed the paralytic.
11. Woman recovers her sight
A woman in the city of Nardi ... recovers her sight after Francis made the sign of the cross in front of her.
12. Cures hands of a woman
Woman with hands clenched so as not to use them, heard about the coming of Saint Francis to her city, and urged him to regain use of her hands.
Francis heard her prayer healed her.
13. Friar cured from epilepsy
Saint Francis had pity for a Friar hit by epilepsy ... he went to him and after having blessed him ... he healed him.
14. Woman brought back to life
A house in Sessa Aurunca, Italy ... collapsed, killing a young woman who was inside, rescuers pulled her out of the rubble and placed her on a stretcher.
The woman's mother trusting in God and in the merits of Saint Francis began to pray ... the girl woke perfectly healthy.
15. Man brought back to life
In Ragusa, Italy ... a young man was working at a printing press ... a pile of wood was nearby which fell on him and killed him.
The father promptly rushed over and began to beseech Saint Francis to bring back his child.
The miracle was granted, the young man came to life perfectly healthy. Once again the Catholic Jesus Christ had heard the intercession of Saint Francis.
16. Eye injury healed
In the Gargano, Italy ... a man was trimming the branches of a vine with a hatchet ... wherein an eye injury was incurred.
The man appealed in faith to Saint Francis ... the Friar did not disappoint him. His eye was instantly healed so perfectly that ... you could not see any sign of the injury.
17. Flock of swallows silenced
One day, while Saint Francis spoke to the people gathered in the square in Aviano, a flock of swallows fluttering so strong as to prevent his voice from being heard.
Francis spoke to them in the following words: "My sisters the swallows, now it's my turn to speak, because you have already done enough, hear the word of God be silent and quiet, until the delivery is finished."
The flock quickly ... to the amazement of the crowd ... fell silent and remained so until the sermon was finished.
Those present were amazed by this sign and said, "Truly this man is a saint and a friend of the Most High."
18. Young Friar sees Francis speaking with Jesus, Saints, and Angels
There was an occasion ... when a new man joined the Friars.
When evening came, Francis lay on the ground and went to sleep with the intention of rising in the night to go up a nearby hill to pray. The young friar wanted to follow Francis when he prayed so he tied his cord to Francis’s cord and went to sleep next to him so he would awaken when Francis rose for prayer.
When Francis awoke, he saw the cords tied together and unfastened them before going out to pray. When the young friar later awoke and discovered Francis was gone, he got up and went searching for him up the hill.
When the young friar came near, he saw from a distance that Francis was praying, bathed in light, and was conversing with Christ Jesus Himself, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint John the Baptist, Saint John the Evangelist, and a whole host of angels.
19. Wild rabbit incident
One day a brother brought a rabbit who had been caught in a trap to Saint Francis.
The Saint advised the rabbit to be more alert in the future, then released the rabbit from the trap and set it on the ground to go its way. But the rabbit hopped back up onto Saint Francis' lap, desiring to be close to the Saint.
Saint Francis took the rabbit a few steps into the woods and set it down. But it followed Saint Francis back to his seat and hopped on his lap again !
Finally Saint Francis asked one of his fellow Friars to take the rabbit far into the woods and let it go.
20. Man cured from seizures
On one occasion when a brother was suffering from seizures, Saint Francis prayed over him as a simple act of piety.
The illness departed, and the brother never again suffered from the malady.
21. Woman's legs healed
A woman in Gubbio, Italy, long disabled with bad legs ... asked the friars to have Francis visit when next in the area.
Ever tender hearted, Francis stopped by and the woman took the opportunity to touch his habit ... and was cured.
S u b - p a r t B
The lying "Prayer of Saint Francis" ... was not written by Saint Francis
~ ~ ~
The lying "Prayer of Saint Francis" ... cannot be traced back any further than 1912.
The "Prayer of Saint Francis" ... is not in any writings by Saint Francis.
This non-prayer was first published, in French, in a Catholic weekly newspaper in 1912.
It was then re-published on the front page of the Vatican newspaper in 1916 at the request of heretic "benedict-15". Heresies of anti-Pope "benedict-15" are listed on Section 20. As always, being an enemy of souls ... "benedict-15" took this opportunity to mis-represent the Catholic Faith and mis-represents a Catholic Saint.
The popularization of this fraud was aided by a ... French "Franciscan" (more than likely a heretic) in the 1920's and 1930's ... who printed this non-prayer in Holy card format ... with an image of Saint Francis on the other side.
- - - - - - - - - -
From the ... Litany prayer of Saint Francis ... we see the following ...
Saint Francis, who confounded the heretics, pray for us
Saint Francis, who converted the pagans, pray for us
Saint Francis, who defended the Faith, pray for us
Saint Francis, who reformed the erring, pray for us
Saint Francis worked to bring people out of the soul damning errors of their heresies ... and the errors of the un-baptized pagans, which send them to Hell.
- - - - - - - - - -
This non-prayer attributed to Saint Francis says > "Make me a channel of your peace"
This is a lie ... Saint Francis put truth before "peace".
A line like this written by Saint Francis would be > "Make me a channel of your truth"
- - - - - - - - - -
This non-prayer attributed to Saint Francis says > "Grant that I may never seek ... To be understood as to understand"
This is a lie ... Saint Francis put truth before "understanding" heretics and pagans in their fables.
Saint Francis would have written > "Grant me the grace to give understanding to heretics and un-baptized pagans who are all headed for Hell"
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This non-prayer attributed to Saint Francis says > "Grant that I may never seek ... To be loved as to love with all my soul"
Saint Francis would never have written this ... because "loving someone with all your soul" ... does not keep heretics, jews, muslims, etc. ... from never ending Hell ... which is where *all* of them are headed.
Saint Francis would have written > "Grant that I may never seek ... to be loved more than telling people how to avoid never-ending Hell"
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This non-prayer attributed to Saint Francis says > "It is in pardoning that we are pardoned"
Saint Francis would never have written such a thing ... because "pardoning" heretics, jews, muslims, etc. ... without telling them the truth of how to save their immortal souls ... would be contributing to their eternal damnation. Something that Saint Francis would never do.
Saint Francis would have written > "Pardoning heretics and pagans, not telling them the truth, contributes to their damnation"
Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ Our Lady of Good Remedy ~ Our Lady of La Salette ~
Immaculate Heart of Mary
~ Pray the Rosary for essential graces ... see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions ~
~ Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us ... as Our Lady of Mount Carmel ~
Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin - & - Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin. More > Section 4 and Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it."
Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain."
Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue."
St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation."
Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope."
St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria." (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness."
Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom."
Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified." (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky
Truth of the super-natural order: All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.
Click on counter for > Map location of visitors ... Visit details ... Sections visited ... Referrering sites, etc.
Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links > Section 5.1 and
Section 5.1.1