< < Introduction - Part A ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary. Many souls consult this site without any Index page review. > >
It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell ...
for rejecting the Catholic Dogma ...
Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >
1. The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men. 2. God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.
We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply: 3.Warning 1: A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).
[Section 12, 13] 4.Warning 2:No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.
[Section 13.2] 5.Warning 3: Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates. [Section 13.2.2] 6.Warning 4: Top level view ... why there is not a single Catholic Bishop or Priest in the world. God's Catholic Church is devastatingly small in numbers. [Section 13.6] All vatican-2-ists: You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church. You must Abjure your heresy.
* * Click * * > Section 40
7. One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water
[Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin. [Section 10.1] 8. All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world ... by way of the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did. [Section 4, 4.4] 9a. The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C. Jesus Christ was not a jew. [Section 39.1, 39.4] 9b. The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist. The so called "allah god" makes countless errors in the "koran". [Section 113] 10.All baptized heretics are excommunicated from Christianity and headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).
[Section 7.2, 8]
Translate (traduire, übersetzen, tradurre, trasladar, 번역) this Section ... now (maintenant, jetzt, ora, ahora, 지금) ... to your language ...
(1) You must have Adobe Flash Player installed. (2) Chinese, Korean, or Japanese characters not displaying ... see Appendix E.
* Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * Romans 2:13 > "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." James 2:20 > "Know ... that faith without works is dead."
(Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works)
Please e-mail here ... if you see a website that you believe is Catholic ... besides this site.
You may copy this entire site ... to your computer ... see Item # 1 on Appendix A-1.
Fifteen scriptures (15) that Original Sin closed Heaven for all
men (temporarily), includes five (5) that we are conceived in
Original Sin (transgressors from the womb)
Original Sin brought death into the world ... and caused man to
lose the gifts gifts of Sanctifying Grace and Integrity
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Ecclesiastes 9:3
"This is a very great evil among all things that are done under the sun, that the same things happen to all men ... they shall be brought down to Hell."
~ ~ ~
1. It is impossible to understand the realities of the Supernatural order (Heaven and Hell) without ... understanding the spiritual reality and the Dogma of Original Sin. God, in His perfect will, wants to be in two roles ... (1) Creator and(2) Savior ... not "just" the Creator.
2. Original Sin closed Heaven for all men (temporarily) ... the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men was Hell until the Redemption (the re-opening of Heaven for men's souls in one prescribed way).
3. Original Sin is transmitted from generation to generation ... because the human soul is in the same exact shape as the body ... including the generative cells, so that the stain on the soul of Original Sin is passed on in pro-creation.
4. Jesus Christ in the redemption re-opened Heaven for men's souls in one prescribed way by founding the Catholic Church. The same identical sanctifying grace, which was lost by the Sin of Adam, was reintroduced to the world so that men would be able to get to Heaven if they avail themselves to this means.
5. The sanctifying grace of Water Baptism returns the soul to a state of justification so that it has a chance of getting to Heaven (barring a fall into heresy or grave sins) ... if sufficient works are done to merit Heaven. See Sections 28 and 29 regarding works.
6. All those who died during Old Testament times descended into Hell until Heaven was re-opened. Please see Section 138 ... regarding which Old Testament people were able to go to Heaven after it was re-opened by the Catholic Jesus Christ (the only one that exists).
7. One gets to Heaven by three operations together (1) Faith, (2) Grace, and (3) Works covered in various Sections of this website.
~ ~ ~
This Section includes ...
Sub-part A-1:Old Testament Scriptures, written by the Catholic Church (pre-fulfillment) ... that Hell was the only possible destination for the souls of men until the Catholic Jesus Christ re-opened Heaven ... in one prescribed way, the steps on Section 2.1. These scriptures support and defend the Dogma listed in Sub-part B.
Sub-part A-2: Scriptures on ... men being in sin in the womb ... Original Sin generationally transmitted.
Sub-part A-3: New Testament scriptures addressing ... Original Sin. These scriptures support and defend the Dogma listed in Sub-part B.
Sub-part B: Selected Sources of Dogma on Original Sin, includes De Fide Catholic Dogma which relates to Original Sin. The scriptures of Sub-part A support and defend these Sources of Dogma.
Sub-part C: De Fide Dogma and Sources of Dogma related to the Redemption (the re-opening of Heaven) for men's souls.
Sub-part D: Selected Catholic authored Scriptures regarding the Redemption (the re-opening of Heaven).
Sub-part E: The Catholic Dogma is the most important thing in the world for human immortal souls. The Faith (which saves your soul) is ... the Catholic Dogma ... it is not "Bible" interpretation.
New Testament scriptures addressing ... Original Sin
S u b - p a r t A-1
Old Testament Scriptures, written by the Catholic Church (pre-fulfillment) ... that Hell was the only possible
destination for the souls of men until Christ re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church
~ ~ ~
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Ecclesiastes 9:3 >
"This is a very great evil among all things that are done under the sun, that the same things happen to all men ... they shall be brought down to Hell."
Note: Here in Ecclesiastes and in the writings below of King David, Isaias, Solomon and others ... the Catholic God makes it known that the sin of Adam closed Heaven ... leaving Hell as the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men ... at the time Ecclesiastes was written.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 88:49 >
"Who is the man that shall live, and not see death: that shall deliver his soul from the hand of Hell ?"
Note: Again, no possible destination except Hell ... at the time the Psalms were written.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Ecclesiasticus 51:9 >
"And my life was drawing near to Hell beneath."
Note: Again, no possible destination except Hell ... at the time Ecclesiasticus were written.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Wisdom 2:1 >
"For they have said, reasoning with themselves, but not right: The time of our life is short and tedious, and in the end of a man there is no remedy, and no man hath been known to have returned from Hell."
Note: At the time that the Catholic Church (unfulfilled) wrote this scripture there was "no remedy" for men, but God states that his reasoning was not right, as God knew that He was going to re-open Heaven and ... some men would be brought there and saved from Hell.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 5:14 >
"Therefore hath Hell enlarged her soul, and opened her mouth without any bounds, and their strong ones, and their people, and their high and glorious ones shall go down into it."
Note: Isaias correctly identifying the fact that all men of his time shall descend into Hell, Heaven was not yet re-opened after it was closed because of Original Sin.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 48:16-18 > 16: "But God will redeem my soul from the hand of Hell, when He shall receive me." 17: "Be not thou afraid, when a man shall be made rich, and when the glory of his house shall be increased." 18: "For when he shall die he shall take nothing away; nor shall his glory descend with him."
Note 1: Verse 16 shows that Catholic Saint King David was given knowledge that some souls will in fact be released from Hell. This is shown also in the Old Testament scriptures that speak of God as Savior.
Note 2: Two verses later King Saint David identifies the truth that men shall descend into Hell because of the prevailing state at his time ... of Heaven being closed.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Genesis 37:35 >
"He would not receive comfort, but said: I will go down to my son into Hell, mourning."
Note 1: After Jacob's sons lied to him (saying that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast), Jacob's response reflects the spiritual reality that during the Old Testament (the Catholic Faith unfulfilled) all men descended into Hell after dying ... the just to Abraham's bosom (Limbo) and the unjust to the Hell of the damned.
Note 2: The souls of the Old Testament justified persons went to Heaven after the Catholic Jesus Christ re-opened Heaven for men's souls by the Redemption.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Genesis 42:38 >
"If any mischief befall him in the land to which you go, you will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to Hell."
Note 1: Again Jacob, by the grace of truth, knows that he will descend into Hell when he dies.
Note 2: Jacob is speaking about Benjamin here ... who is to be brought to Egypt to his brother Joseph.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 50:7, 9 > 7: "For behold I was conceived in iniquities; and in sins did my mother conceive me." 9: "Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow."
Note 1: The human soul is in the same shape as the body, the soul animates the body ... including the generative cells ... which is why Original Sin is generationally transmitted.
Note 2: Verse 7 > No one in a sinful state can enter Heaven ... Heaven was closed to all men until the founding of the Catholic Church.
Note 3: Verse 7 > Catholic King Saint David ... stating that we are conceived in sin.
Note 4: Verse 9 > Catholic King Saint David ... foretelling water baptism for the remission of Original Sin.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 15:14 >
"What is man that he should be without spot, and he that is born of a woman that he should appear just ?"
Note: Job stating that man, born of a woman, is not just. All people are born with Original Sin ... except the Blessed Virgin (see Section 4.4) and Jesus (who is a Divine person).
S u b - p a r t A-2
Scriptures on ... men being in sin in the womb ... Original Sin generationally transmitted
~ ~ ~
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 14:4 >
"Who can make him clean that is conceived of unclean seed ? Is it not Thou who only art ?"
Note: The human soul is in the same shape as the body, the soul animates the body ... including the generative cells ... which is why Original Sin is generationally transmitted.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 57:4 >
"The wicked are alienated from the womb; they have gone astray from the womb."
Note 1: The human soul is in the same shape as the body, the soul animates the body ... including the generative cells ... which is why Original Sin is generationally transmitted.
Note 2: All are fallen from the womb as we in Job 14:4 (except Jesus and Maria) ... Catholic King Saint David is simply identifying the fact that the wicked are that way from the womb.
Note 3: The manner by which men were justified in Old Testament times ... so that they would go to the Abraham's bosom section of Hell (instead of the Hell of the damned) ... is on Section 138 of this site. When Heaven was re-opened by the foundation of the Catholic Church, the souls in the Abraham's bosom section of Hell went to Heaven ... those in the Hell of the damned are still there and will be forever.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 48:8 >
"For I know that transgressing thou wilt transgress, and I have called thee a transgressor from the womb."
Note: The human soul is in the same shape as the body, the soul animates the body ... including the generative cells ... which is why Original Sin is generationally transmitted.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 25:4 >
"Can man be justified compared with God, or he that is born of a woman appear clean ?"
Note: Job ... accurately identifying the fact that men and women are born spiritually unclean.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 50:7 >
"For behold I was conceived in iniquities; and in sins did my mother conceive me."
Note: Catholic King Saint David ... accurately identifying the fact that from the first moment of conception ... he was in iniquity (sin).
S u b - p a r t A-3
New Testament scriptures addressing ... Original Sin
~ ~ ~
Catholic writing of Romans 5:12 >
"By one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned."
Catholic writing of Romans 5:17 >
"For if by one man's offence death reigned through one; much more they who receive abundance of grace, and of the gift, and of justice, shall reign in life through one, Jesus Christ."
Note 1: Regarding the test ... "receive abundance of grace" ... this is by believing the Catholic Sources of Dogma whole and inviolate, water Baptism, and doing sufficient works to merit Heaven.
Note 2: Regarding the text ... "through one, Jesus Christ" ... this is speaking of the Catholic Jesus Christ (the others don't exist).
Catholic writing of Romans 5:14 >
"But death reigned from Adam ... who is a figure of Him who was to come."
Note 1: Regarding the test ... "who is a figure of Him" ... is a foretelling of the Catholic Jesus Christ who reopened Heaven after it was closed by Original Sin
Note 2: By God's will and plan ... the effects of the sinful Adam and Eve ... are reversed by the sinless (new) Adam and (new) Eve ... the Catholic Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin. See Section 4.4 for Old Testament scriptures foretelling the Blessed Virgin being free of all sin (Original Sin and actual sin).
Catholic writing of 1 Corinthians 15:22 >
"And as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive."
Note 1: Regarding the test ... "all shall be made alive" ... one is made alive by obedience to the one prescribed way to reverse Original Sin in your soul.
Note 2: This one prescibed way is believing the Catholic Sources of Dogma whole and inviolate, water Baptism, and doing sufficient works to merit Heaven.
Catholic writing of 1 Timothy 2:14 >
"And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression."
Note: Regarding the test ... "was in the transgression" ... the transgression is Original Sin ... eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Catholic writing of Romans 5:16 >
"For judgment indeed was by one (i.e. Adam) unto condemnation; but grace is of many offences, unto justification."
Note: Regarding the text ... "but grace is of many offences" ... the graces of the Catholic Church (which has no buildings in these times) are for reversing of all and various sins ... not just Original Sin.
Catholic writing of Romans 5:18 >
"Therefore, as by the offence of one, unto all men to condemnation; so also by the justice of one, unto all men to justification of life."
Note: Regarding the text ... "by the justice of one" ... this justice is by ... believing the Catholic Sources of Dogma whole and inviolate, water Baptism, and doing sufficient works to merit Heaven.
Catholic writing of Saint John 3:5 >
"Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
Note 1: One is born in the natural birth. But then we are commanded to be ... born again ... to have a chance of saving our souls. This identifies that a sin, Original Sin must be remitted to have a chance of getting to Heaven.
Note 2: Please see Section 7.2.2 for ... 31 New Testament Baptism scriptures. Section 7.2.1 lists ... 25 Old Testament scriptures foretelling water Baptism.
S u b - p a r t B
Selected Sources of Dogma on Original Sin ... includes list of De Fide Dogma
(The scriptures of Sub-part A ... support and defend the below listed Dogma)
~ ~ ~
Council of Florence, Session 6, 6 July 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"But the souls of those who depart this life in actual mortal sin, or in Original Sin alone, go down straightaway to hell to be punished, but with unequal pains."
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 1, 17 June 1546 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one does not confess that the first man, Adam, when he had transgressed the commandment of God in Paradise, immediately lost the holiness and justice wherein he had been constituted ... let him be anathema."
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 2, 17 June 1546 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one asserts, that the prevarication of Adam injured himself alone, and not his posterity; and that the holiness and justice, received of God, which he lost, he lost for himself alone, and not for us also ... let him be anathema."
Note: The reason that Original Sin is transmitted across generations ... is because the human immortal soul is in the same identical shape as the body ... including generative cells. The soul animates the body.
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 2, 17 June 1546 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one asserts, that the prevarication of Adam ... only transfused death, and pains of the body, into the whole human race, but not sin also, which is the death of the soul; let him be anathema."
Note 1: Regarding the text ... "which is the death of the soul" ... the Catholic Jesus Christ remedied this in one prescribed way. By Catholic necessity of means (must have to get to Heaven) ... the single prescribed way to reverse the effects of Original Sin is believing the Catholic Faith whole and inviolate, and Water Baptism.
Note 2: The reason that Original Sin is transmitted across generations ... is because the human immortal soul is in the same identical shape as the body ... including generative cells. The soul animates the body.
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 4, 17 June 1546 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one denies, that infants, newly born from their mothers' wombs, even though they be sprung from baptized parents, are to be baptized; or says that they are baptized indeed for the remission of sins, but that they derive nothing of Original Sin from Adam, which has need of being expiated by the laver of regeneration (i.e. Water Baptism) for the obtaining life everlasting ... let him be anathema."
Note: The reason that Original Sin is transmitted across generations ... is because the human immortal soul is in the same identical shape as the body ... including generative cells. The soul animates the body.
De Fide Dogma listing related to Original Sin ...
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 16 >
"Our first parents, before the fall, were endowed with sanctifying grace."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 17 >
"In addition to sanctifying grace, our first parents were endowed with the preternatural gift of bodily immortality."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 18 >
"Our first parents in Paradise sinned grievously through transgression of the Divine probationary commandment."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 19 >
"Through sin our first parents lost sanctifying grace and provoked the anger and the indignation of God."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 20 >
"Our first parents became subject to death and to the dominion of the devil."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 21 >
"Adam's sin is transmitted to his posterity, not by imitation but by descent."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 22 >
"Original Sin is transmitted by natural generation."
Note: The human soul is the same shape as the body, it animates the body. Regarding this Dogma 22, one can think of Original Sin in the soul as a poison that permeates the entire body ... so that Original Sin is in fact transmitted by natural generation.
Note 2: With the institution of water baptism Original Sin is remitted and the soul is placed back into a state of justification before God. The sanctifying grace which was lost by the Sin of Adam is placed back into the soul. See Section 7 and its subsections of this website.
Catholic Dogma, Section II, God the Creator, Dogma No. 23 >
"In the state of Original Sin man is deprived of sanctifying grace and all that this implies, as well as of the preternatural gifts of integrity."
S u b - p a r t C
De Fide Dogma and Sources of Dogma related to the Redemption (the re-opening of Heaven) for men's souls
~ ~ ~
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section III, God the Redeemer, Dogma No. 16 >
"The Son of God became man in order to redeem men."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section III, God the Redeemer, Dogma No. 17 >
"Fallen man cannot redeem himself."
Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It firmly believes, professes and preaches that never was anyone, conceived by a man and a woman, liberated from the devil's dominion except by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the mediator between God and humanity, who was conceived without sin, was born and died. He alone by his death overthrew the enemy of the human race, cancelling our sins, and unlocked the entrance to the Heavenly Kingdom, which the first man by his sin had locked against himself and all his posterity."
Note: Regarding the text "mediator between God and humanity" -- Jesus was/is the sole Mediator of Redemption in that He alone re-opened Heaven. The word redemption means Heaven was re-opened. At the same time ... Angels, Saints, and other men are mediators of grace and intercessors for other men ... please see Section 48 for 26 Catholic authored scriptures which state this. Jesus Christ is not a mediator of grace for the simple reason that He is Grace, being God.
Council of Trent, Fifth Session, First Decree, Decree Concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 3, 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one asserts, that this sin of Adam, ... is taken away either by the powers of human nature, or by any other remedy than the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath reconciled us to God in His own Blood, made unto us justice, sanctification, and redemption; or if he denies that the said merit of Jesus Christ is applied, both to adults and to infants, by the sacrament of baptism rightly administered in the form of the church; let him be anathema."
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, 19 December 1516 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Therefore those who are now carrying this burden ought to remember and frequently reflect that they in turn, with respect to this office of preaching, are entering into and maintaining that succession of the author and founder of this office, Jesus Christ our most Holy Redeemer, of Peter and Paul, and of the other apostles and disciples of the Lord."
Council of Trent, Twenty-Fifth Session, Second Decree, On the Invocation ... of Saints, 1563 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"That it is good and useful suppliantly to invoke them, and to have recourse to their prayers, aid, (and) help for obtaining benefits from God, through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Who is alone our Redeemer and Saviour."
Vatican Council of 1870, Session Four, Chapter 2, On the permanence of the primacy of blessed Peter -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For no one can be in doubt, indeed it was known in every age that the holy and most blessed Peter, Prince and head of the Apostles, the pillar of Faith and the foundation of the Catholic church, received the keys of the kingdom from our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Redeemer of the human race."
S u b - p a r t D
Selected Catholic authored Scriptures regarding the Redemption (the re-opening of Heaven)
~ ~ ~
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 19:25 >
"For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the earth."
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalms 18:15 >
"And the words of my mouth shall be such as may please: and the meditation of my heart always in thy sight. O Lord, my Helper, and my Redeemer."
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalms 77:35 >
"And they remembered that God was their helper: and the most high God their Redeemer."
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 41:14 >
"Fear not, thou worm of Jacob, you that are dead of Israel: I have helped thee, saith the Lord: and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel."
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 35:4 >
"Say to the fainthearted: Take courage, and fear not: behold your God will bring the revenge of recompense: God himself will come and will save you."
Catholic writing of Romans 3:23-25 >
"For all have sinned, and do need the glory of God. Being justified freely by His grace, through the redemption, that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God hath proposed to be a propitiation, through Faith in His Blood, to the showing of His justice, for the remission of former sins."
Catholic writing of 1 Saint Peter 1:18-19 >
"Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as gold or silver … But with the precious Blood of Christ, as of a Lamb unspotted and undefiled."
Catholic writing of Colossians 1:20 >
"And through Him to reconcile all things unto Himself, making peace through the Blood of His Cross, both as to the things that are on earth, and the things that are in Heaven."
S u b - p a r t E
The Catholic Dogma is the most important thing in the world for human immortal souls ... the Faith (which saves your soul) is ... the Catholic Dogma ... it is not "Bible" interpretation
~ ~ ~
As we see in Section 6 of this site ... the Catholic authored Bible itself states that the Bible is not the authority on Faith and Morals ...
Catholic writing of 1 Timothy 3:15 >
"The house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."
Catholic writing of Ephesians 3:10 >
"That the manifold wisdom of God may be made known to the principalities and powers in heavenly places through the Church."
- - - -
What are the definitive Church authority citations ... what is the true Faith ?
The definitions of the Catholic Church which is the authoritative Faith ... is the Catholic Sources of Dogma defined by the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world. All must know of and believe the Sources of Dogma to be a Christian and have any chance of getting to Heaven.
Council of Florence, Session 8, Pope Eugene IV, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."
Council of Trent, Session 2, 7 January 1546 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
Moreover, whereas it is the chief care, solicitude, and intention of this Sacred and Holy Council, that, the darkness of heresies, which during so many years has covered the earth, being dispelled, the light, brightness, and purity of Catholic truth may, by the assistance of Jesus Christ, who is the true light, shine forth.
Rejecting a single Sources of Dogma places your soul into a heretic state. Physically participating in a heretical society ("lutheran", "vatican-2", "baptist", "evangelical", etc.) places your soul into a heretic state. If either (or both) of these happen, one must simply make an Abjuration of heresy as outlined on Section 19.1 of this site.
If you are in a heretic state we strongly recommend you review this site, starting with Sections 1, 2, 8, 9, 13.2, and 19.1.
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For those in the various groups of un-baptized pagans ("muslims", "jews", "buddhists", "hindus", etc.) ... The Catholic Sources of Dogma on Water Baptism identify how to extract yourself from the State of Original Sin which you are currently in. Original Sin is (and has been) generationally transmitted from Adam and Eve.
Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."
If you are in the un-baptized pagan state we strongly recommend you review this site, starting with Sections 1, 1.1, 2.3, 4, and 7.2.1.
Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ Our Lady of Good Remedy ~ Our Lady of La Salette ~
Immaculate Heart of Mary
~ Pray the Rosary for essential graces ... see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions ~
~ Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us ... as Our Lady of Mount Carmel ~
Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin - & - Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin. More > Section 4 and Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it."
Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain."
Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue."
St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation."
Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope."
St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria." (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness."
Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom."
Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified." (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky
Truth of the super-natural order: All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.
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Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links > Section 5.1 and
Section 5.1.1